2025.02.28 | A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE Start of sales for “TYPE-V Nature Architects project”
The items are now available.

Sales will begin for the “TYPE-V Nature Architects project,” which explores the new possibilities of a piece of cloth through a combination of the manufacturing system of A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE and the latest design solutions by Nature Architects.
During Milan Design Week in 2023, A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE and Nature Architects unveiled new prototypes that transform a piece of cloth into a three-dimensional form when heat is applied. This project has successfully moved into production, introducing a new item born from this innovative clothing creation process.
The design framework is based on new algorithms derived from the Direct Functional Modeling™ (DFM)* technology and metamaterials* developed by Nature Architects, combined with A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE’s “Steam Stretch” technology, which causes fabric to shrink when exposed to heat. By calculating the necessary shrinkage patterns to achieve the desired three-dimensional form, DFM automates and optimizes the design process for Steam Stretch, enabling the automatic generation of complex pleated patterns.

The “TYPE-V Nature Architects project” represents a completely new process for clothes-making. Compared to conventional clothes-making, in which different parts are cut and sewn together, the integration of metamaterials to the A-POC system enables the creation of a wider range of complex pleating techniques that were previously unattainable. The blouson developed from this project requires minimal sewing, instead the fabric instantly transforms into a three-dimensional form when high-temperature steam is applied.
*Direct Functional Modeling™ (DFM) is the name given to a collection of design algorithms that “determine the shape of the product by calculating back from the functions desired by the user.” It relies on two processes: 1) algorithms that automatically generate meta-material unit structures, and 2) algorithms that allocate the derived metamaterial unit structures to the external form. This results in the ability to “calculate back from function to form,” something that is virtually impossible in conventional product development.
*Metamaterials are designed materials that have properties other than those found in nature. The word is the combination of “meta” and “material” meaning “beyond matter.”

Styles: Jacket (1)
Colors: Navy, Black
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